Welcome Entrepreneurs

Angel Investors Durham (AID) is an angel investment group based right here in the Durham Region, and our community is on the rise! We take pride in having a lineup of members among some of the most seasoned accredited investors in Ontario. These pros bring a wealth of business and industry expertise to the table, broadening our investment horizons.

At AID, we’re not sticking to specific sectors, technologies, or industries – we’re open to exploring opportunities that align with potential and promise. We’ve got a keen interest in backing early-stage startups, and if you’re thinking of joining forces with us, take a moment to check out the sections below. It’ll help you make sure your business is in the sweet spot and all set to take the plunge into the world of angel investments with Angel Investors Durham. Looking forward to connecting with you on this exciting journey.

Our Partners

Discover the pivotal role that our partners and sponsors play in advancing our mission to foster growth and expansion for new and emerging companies. Explore the network of partners we collaborate with and learn how they can contribute to the support of your startup.

Bereskin & Parr

Intellectual Property 

Bereskin & Parr is passionate about intellectual property.  They excel at protecting and monetizing creativity and innovation by helping their clients build successful companies. It’s this passion that inspired our founding partners to launch a full-service intellectual property firm in 1965, and it’s what has allowed us to become one of the largest and most reputable IP practices in Canada.



National in scope and local in focus, MNP is one of Canada’s leading professional services firms — proudly serving individuals, businesses, and organizations since 1958. Through the development of strong relationships, MNP provides client-focused accounting, consulting, tax, and digital services. Their clients benefit from personalized strategies with a local perspective to fuel success wherever business takes them.

Kleurvision Inc.


Kleurvision is a fresh brand identity, graphic design, and digital development business that specializes in being known for its problem solving capabilities and support of the startup and angel investment ecosystem. They build creative experiences into everything that they do and help local small businesses all the way up to international assocations navigate brand challenges. 

Our History

While Angel Investors Durham is brand new, our group portfolio is still being developed. However, our membership is made up of accredited investor hall-of-famers that have backed some of the fastest growing startups in North America.

Ready to Pitch?

Complete the Angel Investors Durham Intake Form on Dealum so we can get to know you a bit more. Everyone who pitches AID begins here. There is no cost to submit an application. If approved, you will be invited to a screening meeting to pitch to a small group of our investors.

If you’ve built your team, locked down your business plan, and you have polished your pitch, you’re ready. Start the process below and check your email to complete the Dealum application.